(440) 473-3560

Save the Date for our annual Women’s Fall Retreat, Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, from 6-8:00 pm

All women of Our Lady Chapel, Gilmour, and their guests, are invited to join us.  We will begin with Mass in Our Lady Chapel at 6 pm.   Following Mass, we will gather in the Center for Performing Arts building, where we will share a light supper, and Fr. John will lead us in our spiritual discussion for the evening.

There is no cost for the Retreat, but we will accept free will donations to offset the cost for food service. 

We need you to RSVP for this event.   You may sign up for the Retreat on the Sign-Up Sheet on the easel in the Chapel lobby.  Or you may call [440-473-3560] or email Patty in the Chapel Office [szaniszlop@gilmour.org]

Our Women’s Retreats only happen twice a year, so consider setting this time aside, and give yourself a treat in the Lord!