(440) 473-3560

Save the Date!  Our Chapel Indoor Picnic is returning on Sunday, March 2nd!   Join us after Mass in the Gilmour Commons, from 11:00 am – 1:15 pm.  

What better way to spend a winter day – and the Sunday before Lent starts – than by enjoying an indoor picnic in the middle of winter – a great event for the entire family! 

We will have great food, plus Bingo with prizes!

Our Menu will include baked chicken, macaroni & cheese, plus Pazcki!   The rest will be Pot Luck!  So sign up to bring your favorite side dish, salad or dessert, if you can!   As is our tradition for the Indoor Picnic, we will also have Bingo, complete with prizes!

Please RSVP:

There will be a sign-up sheet on the easel in the Chapel vestibule.  Or you may call or email the Chapel Office with your number attending, and what dish you may be bringing.   [440-473-3560 or szaniszlop@gilmour.org ].