(440) 473-3560

Mass with Anointing of the Sick

At both our Saturday 5 pm Mass and our Sunday 10 am Mass, the weekend of April 27 & 28, Fr. John will offer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.   We welcome you to this Sacrament if you are experiencing any kind of impairment in your health: if you are experiencing serious illness, […]

Women’s Spring Retreat

Save the Date!   Our Women's Spring Retreat will be on Tuesday, May 7th, from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm. All women of Our Lady Chapel and the Gilmour Academy Women's Club and their guests are invited to join us. We will begin with Mass in Our Lady Chapel at 6:00 pm, and then move to […]

Virtual Bible Study: Pentecost. What does it mean?

Virtual Bible Study will meet this evening.  Our topic will be: Pentecost!  What Does It Mean? To participate in Bible Study, please email Fr. John at: blazekj@gilmour.org, to be added to the distribution list for the zoom link, and to receive the study guide on the evening's topic. We hope you will join us! Remember, […]