10 events found.
First Communion Mass
This special Mass celebrating First Communion is open to our 2nd Graders receiving the Sacrament today, and their families.
Men’s Spring Retreat
Join us for our annual Men's Spring Retreat. We will begin with Mass in the Chapel at 6:00 pm, followed by dinner & discussion in the Center for Performing Arts building. Please RSVP on the sign-up sheet on the easel in the Chapel lobby, or contact the Chapel office at: 440-473-3560 or via email to […]
Women’s Spring Retreat
Join us for our annual Women's Spring Retreat. We will begin with Mass in the Chapel at 6:00 pm, followed by dinner and discussion in the Center for Performing Arts building. Please RSVP for this event on the sign-up sheet on the easel in the Chapel lobby, or contact the Chapel office at: 440-473-3560, or […]
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