(440) 473-3560


Virtual Bible Study ~ Love in the Writings of St. John

Virtual Bible Study normally meets via Zoom every other Wednesday evening, from 6:30 - 8:00 pm.   We discuss a new topice at each meeting. This week we will be looking at : Love, in the Writings of St. John. To participate in virtual Bible Study, please email Fr. John at: blazekj@gilmour.org , in order to […]





Young Adult Group Meeting

A young adult group has formed at Our Lady Chapel.   Our gatherings are once monthly, on Sundays after Mass at 11:45 am. At our next gathering on Sunday, February 23rd, we will be discussing Lent in today's world. We celebrate this opportunity to get together, share some time in faith, and also to support each […]

Confirmation Retreat at Divine Word Church

Our Confirmation students will attend a Retreat today at Divine Word Church, as part of their preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at Divine Word next Friday. Please contact the Chapel Office (440-473-3560) if you have any questions.  Thank you.