(440) 473-3560


The Giving Tree at Our Lady Chapel

Beginning this weekend, our Chapel "Giving Tree" will be up in the Narthex of the Chapel. We will have gift tags on the tree.   Please take a tag, purchase that gift, and bring it back to the Chapel, and place it under the tree.  Attach the tag to your package.  Giving Tree gifts need NOT […]

Advent Wreath Making Activity & Coffee and Donuts

Join us after Mass today for Coffee & Donuts, followed by our Advent Wreath Making activity.  *Location for this event TBA! Anyone who has put their name on the Sign-Up Sheet and ordered an Advent Wreath Kit is welcome to join us.   If you have NOT previously ordered an Advent Wreath Kit, please check with […]

Weekly Mass

All are welcome to join us at our weekly Mass for students & faculty.   Mass takes place in the Eucharistic Chapel.

