(440) 473-3560

Virtual Bible Study ~ The Easter Appearances of Jesus and the Call to New Life

To participate in Virtual Bible Study, send Fr. John an email (blazekj@gilmour.org).  He will reply with the zoom link and information on the Bible Study topic for the evening. Virtual Bible Study normally meets every other Wednesday, from 6:30 - 8:00 pm.  Topics for future Bible Study gatherings are determined by the group at the […]



First Communion Mass

This is our Mass for our grade school children who are making their First Communion.   Attendance is limited to the families of those children receiving the Sacrament.



Virtual Bible Study ~ The Ascension of Jesus ~ What does it mean?

Join us on Wednesday, April 24, for our Virtual Bible Study gathering.   We will be discussing the topic of: The Ascension of Jesus:  What does it mean? Virtual Bible Study normally meets every other Wednesday evening, via Zoom, from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm.  To participate in Bible Study, please send Fr. John an email […]