(440) 473-3560

Faith Education classes for Grades K – 8 will begin on Sunday, October 6. 

Class is from 8:45 – 9:45 am.

On the first day of class, please meet in the Chapel narthex to be directed to your child’s classroom.

Faith Education meets on most Sunday’s, from 8:45 – 9:45 am.

Below is the Class schedule for this school year: 

October 6, 13 & 27

November 3, 10, 17 & 24

December 8 & 15

January 12 & 26

February 2, 9 & 23

March 2 & 9

April 6, 13 & 27

May 4

If you have any questions regarding Faith Education registration, please contact the Chapel Office at 440-473-3560.  Thank you!