(440) 473-3560

Save the Date for our annual Chapel Men’s Spring Retreat!   

We will gather for Mass in the Chapel at 6:00 pm.   Mass will be followed by a light supper, and our spiritual discussion, led by Fr. John.   Our evening will conclude by 8:30 pm. 

All men of Our Lady Chapel, the Gilmour Men’s Club, and their guests, are welcome to attend!  There is no cost for the event, but we are accepting free-will offerings.

We will need your RSVP, so please put your name on our Sign-Up sheet on the Easel in the Chapel hallway. 

You may also RSVP by calling the Chapel Office (440-473-3560) or sending an email to Patty in the Chapel Office at: szaniszlop@gilmour.org 

We hope you will set this time aside, and give yourself a treat in the Lord!