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        To touch the holy is a strong human impulse.  In our own incompleteness, we yearn so desperately for union with our divine source that we seek out people, places, experiences and objects  which give us a sense of spiritual “connection.”  Just as Michelangelo’s Adam stretches out his hand towards his Creator on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, so we stretch out our hands towards anything which manifests God’s Presence.  Like the woman who dares touch the fringes on Jesus’ prayer shawl, we, too, reach out with trembling hands.


        God, too, wants personal contact with each of us — it’s not enough for God to dispense healing “from afar”.  God wants to see us, to touch us, and to assure us of His love.  We are made for communion with God — and Jesus longs to have communion with us.


        A sacramental moment is one in which we touch the holy, and in which the holy, in turn, touches us.   Clearly, the woman’s encounter with Jesus is one such moment.   Through touch, she experiences the power of God’s healing love;  by being touched, Jesus experiences her faith and courage even before they meet face to face.   Through the intimacy of touch, the Almighty One reaches out to comfort the lost and afflicted; and the lost and afflicted finally know that they have been “found.” 


        So push aside whatever obstacles stand in your path, and grab hold of his robe.  Then, don’t be surprised to find Jesus turning and looking at you with love.  Don’t be surprised when he speaks words of healing, encouragement, and direction.  God loves you.