(440) 473-3560

Virtual Bible Study ~ We are the Body of Christ

Bible Study meets via Zoom every other Wednesday, (unless otherwise noted), from 6:30 - 8:00 PM.   To participate in Bible Study, send your request to Fr. John via his email: blazekj@gilmour.org.    He will send you the Zoom link, and the materials for that evening's topic.

Virtual Bible Study ~ Thanksgiving

Our topic for discussion will be: Thanksgiving To participate in virtual Bible Study, please email Fr. John at: blazekj@gilmour.org,   He will email you the zoom link and the materials for the topic for the evening.

Virtual Bible Study – What Does Waiting Mean in Scripture?

To participate in Virtual Bible Study, please email Fr. John at: blazekj@gilmour.org.  You will be added to the list of participants, and receive the zoom link for the meeting, along with materials to review regarding the topic for the evening.  Please join us!

Virtual Bible Study: Why is Valentine’s Day a great expression of Lent?

Virtual Bible Study meets every other Wednesday evening, from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.    To participate in virtual Bible Study, please email Fr. John at: blazekj@gilmour.org.    You will receive the zoom link, and materials pertaining to the topic for the evening. This evening, we will be discussing: Why is Valentine's Day a great expression […]

Virtual Bible Study ~ Lenten Penance as found in Scripture

To participate in Virtual Bible Study, please email Fr. John at: blazekj@gilmour.org.  You will be added to the list of participants, and receive the zoom link for the meeting, along with materials to review regarding the topic for the evening. Our topic for this evening will be: Lenten Penance as found in Scripture  Please join […]

Virtual Bible Study ~ Holy Week

Virtual Bible Study will meet this evening.  Our topic will be Holy Week.  We will be studying the events of Holy Week as chronicled in the Scriptures.  This will be a wonderful way to prepare to enter into the Easter Triduum. To participate in Bible Study, please email Fr. John at: blazekj@gilmour.org, to be added […]

Virtual Bible Study ~ The Easter Appearances of Jesus and the Call to New Life

To participate in Virtual Bible Study, send Fr. John an email (blazekj@gilmour.org).  He will reply with the zoom link and information on the Bible Study topic for the evening. Virtual Bible Study normally meets every other Wednesday, from 6:30 - 8:00 pm.  Topics for future Bible Study gatherings are determined by the group at the […]

Virtual Bible Study ~ The Ascension of Jesus ~ What does it mean?

Join us on Wednesday, April 24, for our Virtual Bible Study gathering.   We will be discussing the topic of: The Ascension of Jesus:  What does it mean? Virtual Bible Study normally meets every other Wednesday evening, via Zoom, from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm.  To participate in Bible Study, please send Fr. John an email […]