(440) 473-3560

Jesus Day Retreat for 2nd Graders

Our Second Graders will be participating in a special retreat this afternoon, as part of their preparation for receiving the sacrament of First Eucharist this Saturday, April 26.   The retreat […]

First Communion Mass

This special Mass celebrating First Communion is open to our 2nd Graders receiving the Sacrament today, and their families.



Men’s Spring Retreat

Join us for our annual Men's Spring Retreat.   We will begin with Mass in the Chapel at 6:00 pm, followed by a light supper, and spiritual discussion, led by Fr. […]

Women’s Spring Retreat

Join us for our annual Women's Spring Retreat.   We will begin with Mass in the Chapel at 6:00 pm, followed by a light supper, and spiritual discussion, led by Fr. […]